Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club

Founded 1937

Online Membership Application

Membership subscriptions: £12 per person per year (Jan-Dec)

If you join between 1 October and 31 December in any year the £12 subscription also covers your membership for the following year

Please note that it's usual to share cars where we can, and it is customary to share costs; 30p per mile shared between the driver and passengers. A minimum of £2 per person applies. The walk coordinator is expected to calculate total mileage charge; each passenger should contribute the same amount, and each driver should receive the same amount, regardless of how many people travel in each car.


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Contact Details

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Emergency Contact Details

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  • Bank Transfer to Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club for £12 per person using the sort code 30-97-62 account number 00458537 and your name as the reference
  • Cheque made payable to Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club for £12 per person and sent to the Treasurer, Rob Lea, 20 Hawthorn Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 7NB

Disclaimer: all sporting and leisure activities have inherent hazards associated with them, and hillwalking is no exception. In spite of members' safety being of paramount concern, accidents will occasionally happen. It is important, therefore, when on a Club walk, each member appreciates that they have a responsibility to identify any hazards, and to take reasonable steps to eliminate or minimise the potential for an accident to arise. Individuals participate in any walk/activity entirely at their own risk and agree to hold the organisers and/or all other persons assisting in coordinating walks etc. entirely harmless, blameless, and free from liability in relation to any damage, loss of property, personal injury, etc, arising directly or indirectly, howsoever caused. Club membership has the advantage of civil liability insurance, but this does not extend to personal loss or injury.

Please inform each walk coordinator about any relevant medical condition or information

I participate in any walk/activity entirely at my own risk and agree to hold the organisers and/or all other persons assisting in coordinating walks etc. entirely harmless, blameless, and free from liability in relation to any damage, loss of property, personal injury, etc, arising directly or indirectly, howsoever caused. I also agree to abide by the rules of Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club (SHC). I consent to officers of SHC holding my personal information, using it purely for the purposes of communicating with me, provided that no details are passed to anyone outside SHC.

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