Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club

Founded 1937


We encourage new members. Prospective new members can walk twice as a Guest of the Club before needing to join. As our name implies, we are a Hillwalking Club, and the majority of the walks we undertake are between 10 and 15 miles long and can involve steep ascents and descents in hills or mountains, often over rough ground. Some of the walks will also include scrambles over rocks requiring the use of hands. Therefore, the walks are strenuous. Guests need to have a good level of fitness and to have had some experience of hillwalking in the recent past.

We ask that Guests do the following before considering joining a walk.

  1. Read the Rules of the Club and agree to abide by them. In particular, it is important that guests have adequate footwear (ie boots) and clothing, including wet weather gear, first aid kit (see Rule 4).

  2. Bring adequate food and drink for the whole day.

  3. Contact the Walk Coordinator a few days in advance of the walk to discuss the nature of the walk and its degree of difficulty, and to be candid with the Walk Coordinator about their fitness and experience.

  4. Note that Rule 5 gives the Walk Coordinator the discretion to refuse to allow anyone to join a walk or activity if they consider them to be inadequately equipped or unable to complete the walk.

All Guests will also be asked to agree to and sign the Guest Walker Disclaimer Form at the start of the walk.